Case Study

Case Study

National Wireless Company Adds 500,000 Subscribers Due to New Media Strategy

Client Situation

A national wireless services company with more than 50 million subscribers wanted to drive more new subscriber prospects to their Telesales channel, where, based on a live salesperson’s ability to talk directly to a subscriber prospect, sales conversion rates were 500 percent higher than sales conversions via their website. Unfortunately, existing marketing campaigns were driving traffic to their website or physical retail stores, but drove very little incremental new subscriber traffic to their Telesales call centers.


After assessing the situation a senior consulting executive, now a E78 partner, defined a new media strategy isolating search and display ads to mobile devices, and adding new media channels such as directory listings and other highly mobile-centric publisher sources. In addition, specific offers were created with consumer incentives to call, rather than visit the website. More than 10,000 unique phone numbers were created allowing granular tracking of every single offer attribute and media channel, resulting in a complete end-to-end attribution chain linking each ad to a specific sales conversion outcome. All campaigns were designed and implemented on a “pay for performance” basis, so if they didn’t work, the national wireless carrier would not have to pay.


Based on the comprehensive campaign tracking data, and the continuous optimization of all offers and media channels as measured by sales conversion rates, the following results were achieved:

  • State-of-the-art campaign attribution dashboards provided nearly real-time measurement of campaign sales results, allowing much faster media spend reallocation to campaigns achieving the highest sales results
  • More than two billion ad impressions were delivered specifically to mobile devices
  • Share of voice across all existing channels was increased, with some new channels reaching 100 percent coverage
  • Sales conversion rates for the Telesales Channel increased by 45 percent
  • The average cost of new customer acquisition through the Telesales Channel fell by 60 percent

More than 500,000 net/new subscribers were added


