Interim IT Leaders

Engaging the right people is just as important as the right technology.

Featured Clients:

Our experts are on demand to make an immediate impact in your business.

E78 offers immediate access to seasoned Interim CIOs and IT Directors who provide strategic guidance, seamless integration and expertise to address critical IT challenges and drive business growth. By confidently navigating transitions, implementing growth strategies, and enhancing technology operations, our interim leaders ensure stability, continuity, and improved performance. With a focus on smooth integration and strategic alignment with business goals, we empower your organization to leverage technology as a competitive advantage, driving efficiency, productivity and long-term stability.


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Enterprise Companies Served

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Average Placement Time of Interim Resources

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Of Projects Staffed in Under 2 Weeks

Engage interim leaders with hands-on experience in your industry.

With an expansive roster of interim leaders available to E78, we recommend resources that bring a proven track record of transformation through technology in the industry verticals that are applicable to your organization. We guarantee that our resources will play an integral role in fostering transformation and sustainable growth.

Interim CIO Services

Engage an interim CIO to provide strategic leadership, guiding your organization through transition and aligning IT initiatives with business objectives. With relevant expertise, our CIOs optimize IT operations, streamline workflows and implement best practices, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs. Our resources also excel in change management, facilitating smooth transitions during mergers, acquisitions and digital transformations, ensuring your organization remains agile and competitive through rapid change.

Our experienced and high-level technology leaders are on demand for your organization to tackle crucial IT obstacles and propel strategic ventures forward. Our seasoned IT experts seamlessly become part of your team, guaranteeing a smooth transition and delivering invaluable insights to boost technology operations and overall business performance. They ensure a smooth transition while enhancing technology operations and overall business performance with valuable expertise.

During a crucial transitional phase, we needed an experienced and versatile IT leader who could swiftly step into the role and make an immediate impact. The E78 team provided us with exactly that.

— CEO, National CPG Company


E78 is your co-pilot in meaningful change.

We anticipate needs before they arise.

Drawing on our deep PE and C-level operational knowledge and extensive Fortune 500 experience, our team is constantly on the offensive, thinking proactively and tackling issues head on.

We offer flexible delivery models.

We understand that adaptability is the hallmark of a true partner. That’s why we’ve built our services to transition smoothly between traditional staff augmentation and managed services, allowing us to tailor our recommended approach to your organization’s specific needs, and to grow alongside your scaling business by providing the right level of support.

We’ve been in your shoes.

Our ability to provide you with the best service possible stems from our team’s years of leadership. With former C-suite executives, private equity leaders and Big Four alumni, we provide you with world-class experts who understand the challenges you face in order to deliver on our promise of outstanding outcomes.

Our Partnership Process.

Our team understands that time is money. We add value by delivering results on-time and on-budget.

Meet E78’s experts.

Scott Marrone

Steve Adelstein

Niki Price

Experience the Power of E in your organization

Learn what E78 can do for you today.

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