Case Study

Case Study

E78 Keeps Large Retailer on Pace with Strategic Plan with Interim CIO Services

Client Situation

This company is one of the largest third-party providers of mobile phones and a major retailer in five states of aftermarket car accessories and audio equipment. The organization was in need of an interim CIO.


A E78 partner provided interim executive management including leadership of ongoing IT operations and support of key infrastructure and system upgrade projects. The E78 partner also assisted in the recruitment of a permanent CIO.

During his tenure, the E78 partner played a key role in furthering several strategic initiatives and governance processes. Working with the executive team, he established the initial IT budget request, hired key directors and staff, initiated architectural governance processes to improve internal communication, reestablished communications with key telecommunication carriers, and participated in defining requirements for upgrading existing point-of-sale, supply chain and accounting systems.


  • With the E78 partner’s involvement as interim CIO, the organization stayed on schedule with its $12 million budget that included a system replacement project
  • The business also stayed on pace to prepare a $17 million IT capital and operational plan, and provide ongoing support to network upgrade projects
  • The E78 partner also assisted with setting the stage for future digital transformation projects by implementing additional governance processes. All of this set the stage for an effective hire and transition to a new CIO.

