Case Study

Case Study

E78 provides national document filing company with data transformation and automated reporting solution

Client profile

IncFile is a national document filing service company specializing in forming business entities.

Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, IncFile has assisted in the formation of nearly 1 million Corporations and LLCs. 

Easy online ordering provides incorporation within minutes. In addition to incorporation services, IncFile is also a nationwide provider of Registered Agent services.

Legacy reporting focused solely on transactional data (Atomic) rather than an optimized ecosystem designed for functional business reporting needs. Ultimately, this led to a challenging and slow reporting system requiring complex SQL queries beyond IncFile’s team to make data-ready reporting.

IncFile struggles

  • Reporting required complex SQL to generate usable data sets
  • Data not organized for reporting
  • Inconsistency in naming conventions
  • No dedicated environment for all available data – Atomic + API + web

Additionally, data existed in different levels of detail, lacking standard naming conventions making navigation unnecessarily challenging. Furthermore, reporting needs required data from outside sources to be integrated with the existing transaction data, but there were no processes in place to land, transform, and integrate that data.

The reporting tables and columns had little continuity so that the same data is referenced the same way throughout the various tables (e.g. “Order ID” is referenced as “OrderID,” “oid,” “transnum,” and “transnumFK” in Atomic).

E78 Solution

E78 worked with IncFile to develop a data mart that functions as the reporting layer for all data. The data in this layer is automatically extracted from the transaction system (Atomic), transformed, and integrated with other data structures in Microsoft’s Azure cloud enabling integration with Power BI.

Indicator columns and other helpful data were added to increase reporting speed. Additionally, third-party data is integrated into the reporting environment. Lastly, as part of these efforts, E78 has helped uncover opportunities to improve data quality.

E78 solution

  • Automated data extraction, transformation
  • Data integration/reporting tables
  • Standardized naming conventions
  • Uncovered data quality opportunities

Do you need a custom solution similar to IncFile? Contact the E78 Data services team by filling out our form here

