Case Study

Case Study

E78 Team Member Assists Dental Benefits Company to Achieve Inclusion of Dental Services Under the Affordable Care Act

Client Situation

This dental benefits company was highly successful in the marketplace, competing as the only stand-alone carrier against much-larger consolidated health insurance and life insurance companies. National and state healthcare reform deliberations that began in 2009 created existential market, financial, compliance and operational risk; concerns about unintended consequences were very real, since the government was focused on major healthcare costs and largely overlooked oral health concerns.


An experienced strategic and tactical planning executive, now a E78 team member, was brought in to lead efforts to analyze, develop lobbying strategies and directly lobby government officials throughout the reform negotiation process. Upon adoption of the Affordable Care Act in 2011, the executive then led efforts to develop dental benefit products to offer on the state healthcare exchange.


The company was able to influence outcomes of Affordable Care Act-related regulation and implementation at the state level, comply with new laws and regulations on-time, and launch moneymaking pediatric dental benefit products on the state’s healthcare exchange in 2014.

