Case Study

Case Study

M&A integration support for a PE firm and their portfolio company

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Discover the Power of Expert M&A Integration
with E78: Evriholder's Success Story

Project Impulse was an ambitious M&A integration project where E78 played a pivotal role in the acquisition and simultaneous integration of two companies for Evriholder Products.
In this exclusive video interview, Steve Koch, Principal at Kainos Capital, Ivan Stein, CEO of Evriholder Products, and Scott Whitaker, Managing Director at E78, share the challenges, demands, and success of this partnership.
E78’s unique blend of resources, experience, rigor, and holistic planning supported Evriholder’s leadership team in navigating through a complex M&A journey, balancing their routine tasks with strategic integration goals.
The executives discuss how communication, understanding of roles, and adopting the right tools for measuring success were integral to overcoming resistance to change, keeping the project on track, and delivering remarkable outcomes.
Hear firsthand perspectives shared by the experts on E78’s strategic partnership and undeniable impact on driving growth and value creation.
Watch the video now and gain perspective on your next M&A venture with the unmatched performance and expertise that only E78 delivers.

