Case Study

Case Study

Power BI Implemented to Improve Processing and Provide New Insights for Efficiency and Cost Savings

Client Situation

An underground cable restoration company used various applications and systems and the process to compare and aggregate data across those systems was very cumbersome and unwieldy.  There was also a sense that a significant amount of money was being wasted through unnecessary employee travel expenses.


A Business Analyst, now a E78 team member, learned the nuances of the various systems and worked with the various departments in the organization to understand their needs and goals.  The Business Analyst proposed and was given approval to implement Power BI to automate the integration of data between systems and allow data analysis, which was not previously possible.


The ability to analyze travel expenses led to modification of the company’s travel and expense policies, which resulted in savings of over $100,000 annually.  Additionally, the company was able to supply financial statements through Power BI saving 20+ hours per month compared to generating the statements through the former reporting system.

