Case Study

Case Study

Delivering the tools needed to effectively move a critical, expansive, and complex project forward

Client profile

One of the largest transportation and logistics firms in the United States links every major West Coast and Gulf Coast port to populations centers in the Midwest. They operate key North and South corridors and serve all major gateways to Mexico. Governed by numerous complex collective bargaining agreements, the client sought to effectively implement an enterprise-wide project that would impact approximately 10,000 field workers.

The process of updating and optimizing management tools for a workforce of approximately 10,000 field workers resulted in a cohesive structure and allowed the company to move forward successfully. With the goal to update and optimize workforce management processes and tools, the company struggled with the need to clarify requirements for a preferred vendor selected for the project and gain top management support. Among the pain points the client faced were:

  1. The absence of a comprehensive project scope, execution plan, program governance structure and communication plan, all impeding senior management approval.
  2. Volumes of information that needed to be effectively tied together and clearly articulated in a business case to senior management.
  3. A lack of alignment among key stakeholders to move the project from concept to execution.

The Solution

The E78 team helped the client obtain senior-level buy- in, support and funding approval for the project. In addition, E78 implemented an ongoing coaching program to support the clients program groups with business analytics, program management, and project management. Here are some specific ways E78 helped this client:

  • Revise and standardize program requirements aligned to a proposed value proposition.
  • Communicate clearly to stakeholders, partners and vendors the benefits of completing the project.
  • Implement a formal program governance structure that included review, approval, sign-off processes, escalation and resolution processes and management communication schedules.

