5 Keys to M&A Integration Success

Best practices across 5 key dimensions of managing a successful integration While every deal is different, sometimes just doing the basics right can mean the difference between tangible success, or an unsatisfactory result. This article is not meant to address everything that must get done in an average business integration, but instead focuses on 5 […]

The Value of a True Cloud ERP Platform

Business Guide: NetSuite Perspectives Today, cloud computing enables companies to adapt to changing business models, both strategically and operationally. In the current state of the market, not all cloud providers can step up to the challenge of providing an integrated offering, and that forces companies to manage more platforms than they want. Download this white […]

Building Enterprise Value by Correcting Operational Deficiencies

Are problems in your operations contributing to a “leaky” P&L? Is your company struggling to fulfill orders? Do you have quality control problems? These and other indicators of unsatisfied customers may be signs of operational deficiencies and come with hidden costs that show up in your gross margin or flagging sales. Diagnosing and correcting them […]

Building Enterprise Value Through Cost Alignment

Are you using the optimum cost structure to build value? Understanding the relative costs of different parts of your business can inform your margin targets, pricing strategy, and marketing plans to drive overall net margins to your desired goal. Realigning costs to fit your optimum structure can also free up capital needed investment, all of […]

Enhancing Company Performance by Strengthening The Finance Function

Is your finance team enhancing corporate value through its people, processes, and systems? In addition to delivering on core financial activities, today’s finance teams often have to manage issues of risk, compliance, and corporate strategy. A strong finance function will be a business partner to the CEO to support strategy execution, both for your company’s […]

7 Ways Cloud ERP Helps Organizations build Resilience and Agility

Learn why companies switch from QuickBooks to NetSuite. Actionable Strategic Playbook Understanding the common issues and reasons why world-class brands are fleeing from QuickBooks Delivering organizational visibility, mission-critical data on a single platform and supporting collaboration across remote workforces, cloud enterprise resource planning platforms help companies make quick decisions in today’s unpredictable business environment. When […]

Eight Signs Quickbooks is Holding Your Business Back

Learn why companies switch from QuickBooks to NetSuite. Actionable Strategic Playbook Understanding the common issues and reasons why world-class brands are fleeing from QuickBooks. As an entry-level accounting system, QuickBooks is a logical choice for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking for an easy way to track basic finances. And it works—until it doesn’t. For many […]

A Business Guide for the Private Equity Portfolio Company CEO

Succeed in Delivering Growth, Profitability, and Sustainable Cash Flow With forecasting, planning, and analytic capabilities as fundamental ingredients, we believe CEOs should focus on aligning their executive teams around four core practices: Strategy and business model alignment; enterprise prioritization and business planning; organizing for action and scale; and performance and progress monitoring. In this guide […]